Surgery Update: Rebecca Taylor

Pediatric Pancreatitis
PancreasFest 2018
August 13, 2018
Treating Pancreatitis
What it Means to be Truly Understood
September 21, 2018

Surgery Update: Rebecca Taylor

Pancreatitis and Kids

A new day brought a new medical hurdle for Rebecca who just emerged from surgery following a procedure to remove staples puncturing her intestines. Some of Rebecca’s staples (intended to bind her inner-wounds during transplant) have now migrated into her intestines causing pain every time she eats. This was a problem discovered last fall but her family was unable to locate a surgeon willing to operate on Rebecca’s unique post-transplant anatomy. Rebecca had numerous tear-filled appointments listening to doctors say, “I am sorry, but this case is too complicated for me to feel comfortable with.”

Tonight, we have been asked by Rebecca’s mother, Christyn Taylor, who is the President of Rebecca’s Wish to share this update with you about Rebecca’s condition:

“Rebecca just got out from anesthesia but has not awakened yet in PACU. The doctors (a team of 4) were able to remove 5 staples puncturing the intestines at the first transplant surgical anastomosis (rejoining of her intestines during transplant).

They were unable to reach the second anastomosis area due to her tortuous anatomy. They will have to order a special device to go further (one that the entire city of San Antonio does not have) and repeat procedure in 6 months in order to remove those staples.

Rebecca also has AVM’s (look up – too hard to explain) throughout her intestines which are causing a large part of her bleeding. This is due to damage incurred from the transplant. They cauterized numerous vessels and will go back in and re-cauterize during her next procedure. Prayerfully this will slow her need for constant infusions.

Now we wait on pain control and see how her body responds.

Thank you for your prayers.

This case is too complicated for any human. But it is not too complicated for God, the God who created my child’s inmost being.”



  1. Sara White says:

    Loads of love, hugs, thoughts and prayers Taylor family!!

  2. Linda Siert says:

    My heart is heavy for all of you as I read this, but I appreciate the update as it tells us how it went and how to be praying. Asking Father God to work miracles here and give her a healing body, freedom from pain, comfort for her momma and daddy as you sit by her bedside praying. Lots of praying going on here in Wis. Love, Linda

  3. Debbie Black says:

    God bless Rebecca and your family during this new chapter. We love you all and prayers continue! ❤️❤️

  4. Ingrid Huddleston says:

    Love and prayers for you all. You are precious beyond words. We love you dearly!!!

  5. Teresa Daugherty says:

    Praying for the Taylor family that all goes well and Rebecca has a complete recovery.

  6. Josie Barone says:

    Praying for your family…Love to you all. Josie

  7. Thank you for the update on sweet Rebecca—will pray that this surgery will help a lot and that future procedures will alleviate her pain. You all have been tough throughout her health problems in the past. Hang in there—God is near and He cares.